Friday, June 18, 2010

Choc marshmallows!!!


Chocolate buttons.


1. Melt chocolate in bain marie.
2. Take off heat.
3. Spoon marshmallows into melted chocolate. and mix.
4. Spoon out onto plate.
5. Leave to set in fridge for about 1 hour.

Tip: Eat within two weeks.-P

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My speech- The world would be a better place if...

Have you ever imagined what it would be like if no one left rubbish around and put it in the rubbish bin and taking our own reusable bags instead of getting plastic ones. The world would be better if people stopped cutting trees down because trees clean the air for us. When we breath we bow out carbon dioxide and when trees clean the air they also breath out oxygen which we need.

Green waste - In less than 24 hours America has filled more than 5000 landfills.

Recycling - One way to reduce so many landfills is to recycle. Another way is to reduce and reuse things.

Trees - Trees are very helpful to the environment because they clean the air. So stop cutting trees down everyone.

The world's largest land fill is in the middle of the ocean. In one month New Zealander's rubbish would cover a rugby field to the height of 100 meters. Up to two thirds of household rubbish can be reduced, reused and recycled.

Don't throw plastic bottles and containers into the sea because fish and other sea creatures could get caught. Do you know about the Glowing Anglerfish? It is really small. Did you know that Starfish are actually alive? Have you ever felt sorry for fish that have been caught, I have. Have you ever heard about the Marginella Shell, the Reeves Scallop and the Tapestry Burban?

I chose recycling because the world would be a better place if everyone recycled. So make sure you listened and be careful what you throw out.-P

About me!!

Well for a start I love lollies.And I'm a only child.I've gone to Canada,America,Fiji and Hawaii.I do Tae Kwon Do.I am nearly a green belt.I do swimming as well as Tae Kwon Do.I Have two boy cousins and one girl cousin.My best friend is Amelia that I met at pre-school and my second best is Amber that I met at school.Amelia goes to college street school.The first person I met was Marco. I am 8.-P